Once we had the right process established, compiling phase reports was a breeze. Our first step would be to use a good old fashioned whiteboard during our meetings to divvy up tasks and illustrate our concepts. Amritha would then document the tasklist and upload it to Dropbox. From there, each member checked his/her assigned tasks and would create a separate word document in the phase folder. When two or more of us needed to work on a small task simultaneously, we used Google docs to create the document and would then upload it to the dropbox folder.
As each task was completed and uploaded, I proofread, formatted and complied all the mini tasks into a single consistent document. So when the deadline came around, all that was left was a few final bits of formatting, a couple of proof readings and the report was ready to be turned in.
As each task was completed and uploaded, I proofread, formatted and complied all the mini tasks into a single consistent document. So when the deadline came around, all that was left was a few final bits of formatting, a couple of proof readings and the report was ready to be turned in.
varun srinivasan
12:19 PM